Saturday, August 30, 2014


today i did ebonroc with my guild. i admit i was a little distracted though because styleens drops off the next boss and thats really cool.

anyway, we were trying to get him down fast. we got it! it was fast :)

i was third on heals, only lose to xut and varnigan...

[Guild] [Sandyclawz]: Healing Done for Last Fight
[Guild] [Sandyclawz]: 1. Xut 16332 (28%)
[Guild] [Sandyclawz]: 2. Varnigan 11423 (20%)
[Guild] [Sandyclawz]: 3. Sandyclawz 2926 (5%)
[Guild] [Sandyclawz]: 4. Somanah 2081 (3%)

as you can see, i beat somanah!

as my gear is really quite lousy, i think i am not bad as a drood healer.

stay happy
: )

Thursday, August 28, 2014

today i raided bwl with my guild . we were doing chromagguss for a very long time. there was one time when alot of people died during timelapse phase, and he wanted to attack me becus I avoided thetime lapse and was the only one that culd move

i had a bronze mark on me, meaning i was going to be stunned.

then I was but that's ok because I had a sand to remove it (dont tell snide lol its a secret lol)

but then, i survived the time lapse because the boss attacked the tank again and we killed it

then I thought I would be funny and pretend to ninja the drood tier 2 shoulders. i did it to be funny but they actually looted and idk why lol! i guess its ok becayuse im a good drood and i will put them to use

: )